It's time to shine on stage!

I am here to help you:
Unleash your potential under the bright lights
Use stage fright to your advantage
Gain confidence and social ease
Express the power of your authenticity
Become an impactful and unforgettable speaker/creator/artist
- Devenir un orateur / oratrice inoubliable !

No more theory-based, expensive courses and workshops !
With me, you won't be taking notes, you'll be up on stage practicing, again and again.
You will become an integrated, captivating and authentic person.
Take it from them !


My approach
An affordable transformation
I firmly believe in the following principle: knowledge and understanding should be accessible to everyone. Often, public speaking and personal development training courses are extremely expensive and largely theoretical. Here, it is about helping you maximize your investment, so that a few hours on stage in front of an audience and/or personalized support are much more enriching than two days of note-taking!

A tailor-made transformation
With me, there are no catch-all phrases or universal solutions. Each case is unique, and we work with YOUR own raw material, because it is from these elements that YOUR authenticity will emerge.
A holistic transformation
I am not here to give you all the theoretical tools and show you out the door ! No, what I want to offer you is the possibility of transformation on all levels: physical, emotional, psychological with a holistic and innovative approach !

Find your tribe
The workshops, events and meetings also aim to provide you with a welcoming and comforting space, in which you can connect with extraordinary people on the same wavelength as you.
I am Cristobal
The lover of stage fright!
Once very shy and socially awkward, I said ENOUGH! Because in my earliest memories I had been a very expressive and bold child. So I began the long journey of becoming myself again.
Having trained extensively in public speaking, I also combine several experiences and disciplines that complement my own practice: cinema, theater, dance, Qi-Gong and meditation, among others.
All of this nourishes and informs my approach to teaching and coaching: a fresh, embodied and inspiring method!
Ultimately, I'm here simply to facilitate your growth and help you become aware of the strengths and tools that already exist within you, encouraging you to use them, play with them, and master them.
So, see you on stage soon?